tips and tricks
How to be a Foresight Influencer
Want to join us? Here are 8 tips for becoming a Foresight-influencer to help you on your way.
Know your foundational niche AND determine your focus transition area
Having a deeper identity as an influencer may be the very thing you need to combine traction and popularity with meaning. Your niche is that one thing that people identify you by. Do you love Candy crush? That may have become your niche already and you are doing live streams of you playing Candy Crush. You are probably even offering tutorials for difficult levels already. You have enriched your social media with the world you wanted to create for your followers and have seen how your following became a family. How can you take this to the next level? In terms of building foresight for your community? Pick one trend, a specific focus transition area,that you and your followers face. What is the necessary evolution that you feel you understand better than an average person?. Is it climate change? Unemployment? Risk of violence? Risk of obesity?
Engage at a deeper level
After creating your dedicated family of followers, engagement is key. Ask your followers what they expect to see happening in the next 5 to 10 years. What are the decisions they are taking to confront ongoing challenges? Share what you do and learn with them.

Alternate fun content with more serious topics. Using information leaflets from foresight-influencers or discounted advice from our foresight advisors, you can make sure that your followers are with you every step of the way on your journey to mastering foresight influencing.

Post relevant content
You've chosen your foundational niche, you have determined your focus transition area, and you have gained a following. Next thing to do is make sure your content is relevant to your family of followers. They follow you because they love your ideas pertaining to your niche and transition area so give them what they want. Get to know your audience better while researching your "thing" to give them fresh, updated content that will be relevant and enjoyable to them. It may be necessary to segment your audience into more than one group to produce something that is particularly relevant to (some of) them. Transition segmentation can help you speak to your audience at a deeper level.
Select your channels
"There's no wrong answer on which channels to use and which to avoid"
-Neil Patel

The channels on which you can promote yourself border on the infinite. Each has their advantages depending on your marketing strategies, but none is exactly like the other. It makes sense that you'd try to maximize your internet presence by pursuing all of the channels, but you have to keep in mind what's best for your niche and occasionally reconnect to your key transition. Can your followers follow your Candy Crush play by playing comfortably on Instagram? Where are they active already? Or would it be more beneficial to use YouTube as your main platform of expression? These are questions you should ask yourself before you go all out. But also in your channel choice, foresight matters. Are you active in the channels that are gaining traction today, the channels of tomorrow? You may be familiar with this for your region. But what about your international audience? Join the foresight-influencers network to connect to others facing similar choices around the world.
Network with the industries, the topics, and the jobs of the future
If sitting at home and just chilling away were an option, some of us would prefer that. As an influencer, you have no such luxury. Being active on social media is your most primary goal, but it is not your only option. Are you learning to connect yourself and your community with the industries, topics, and jobs of the future? With events organized by foresight-influencers, you get the chance to meet other influencers to exchange tips and tricks. In addition, foresight-influencers can also help you meet some people who follow you in a safe, facilitated forum; attach leadership and direction to your glamour, grow loyalty, and leave a more profound impression on your followers.
Guide them on their way. Be regular and consistent
After you've finalized what you're going to post and how frequently, it is important to post with regularity since most channels favor regular posts. Organize automated posts that make the most of the hours people are most active on social media to get yourself as much traction as possible.
Don't forget to build in some regularity when it comes to the transition area you focus on either. If you want to help people find a home away from the rising sea line, keep weaving that in.
Let the brands of the future know you're open to collaborations
An important step to building impact, is declaring to the world that you are an influencer who's open to collaboration with brands and organizations. Writing in your bio that you are willing to partner could be the first step in creating buzz around your availability. Foresight-Influencers can connect you to occasional partnership opportunities of the organizations and brands of the future once you have clarified your focus transition area.
Move from consumer choices to investment choices
Are you able to expand your influence above and beyond consumption choices? Enter the world of investing and let your community learn with you. Foresight-influencers can help you select the properties of the future that can help empower you and your network in the years to come. What is more, with our assistance you may be able to offer them joint or shared ownership models for the properties you wish to share with them. Do you envisage a farm shared with your community? Why wait years to see that come to fruition?